Do LaB Founders Give Hints to Upcoming Festival


For those of you still riding the monumental waves created at this year’s Lightning in a Bottle festival in Silverado Canyon over Memorial Day, there’s some great news on the horizon. The Do LaB hinted towards it’s newest project festival, Rise and Shine (tw, fb) on the back of its printed guide and on the way out of the festival grounds.

Information is coming in bits and pieces and I wanted to gather some of that information here for anyone like me who is anxiously anticipating (or wanting to get involved) in this groundbreaking opportunity.

Location confirmed: Hummingbird Nest Ranch in Simi Valley, California. New Years Eve 2012 featured “Awakening” at this venue to absolutely glowing reviews. The Do Lab is setting their eye on a location with more than enough natural feng-shui to set the stage for some eye-opening experiences.

Dates confirmed: October 19-21, 2012. Average October temperatures in this area sit around 67° with highs in the low 80’s.

In a Huffington Post article on The Do Lab’s founding twins, Dede and Jesse Flemming, you can read into what will make Rise and Shine stand out from the crowd. Bolding is my own emphasis…

Q: What’s on the horizon for the DoLaB?

Dede: We’re expanding the [Lightning in a Bottle] festival with a new event this October called Rise and Shine. That’s going to be a different kind of festival.

Josh: It’s going to be more like a conscious living gathering, less party and more education. We’re all getting a little bit older, and our crew is getting older. We’re not as interested in throwing parties as much as we have been. We really want to get more into intentional gatherings and a more conscious festival and see if we can go to the next level with the community.

Dede: We’re starting to get to a phase where we’re trying to figure out exactly what we want to put our energy towards, and it’s going to steer away from doing these big projects for other people and put time into our projects and push the message we’re trying to push.

Related tweets (click the instagram link for pictures):

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