Foreverland 2014
Stonyford Reservoir, California
Invited Archivist
Foreverland was a perfect way to wrap up the 2014 festival season. Though the event was technically a first year event, the production staff were absolute veterans and handled the process with skill and dedication. I had the unique invitation to be a featured archivist in a special dome for festival photographers. It was really an honor to show my work in that way.
An interesting note on the Jedi Rising shots you’ll see here [the dance + fire troupe that performed Saturday night]. This was a highlight for many of us who had seen their debut at Enchanted Forest earlier in the year. It was a tricky shoot for me: on a tripod with a manual focus lens. I had to keep moving the tripod east/west and north/south while trying to get my shot in focus while they moved around the stage in every plane. It was a miracle I got any decent shots, but their set was so photogenic, so lively that I was lucky enough to get more than a few good shots.
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